Friday, December 09, 2005

Xmas comes to Town

Tomorrow is the recording of this year's Xmas show with the Jalan Impian cast. I'm so happy it's here, these events are so spectacular and I always have more fun in a day than I have in weeks. Everyone's a little happier, a little more smiley, laughter is constantly in the air, everyone is so light-hearted and cheery. Coupled with the spirit of Christmas, you got yourself a joyous wonderland.

I just love it all. Taking it all in, it just makes me ecstatic. The Jalan Impian cast is such a wonderful family. What's more, my sexy Santarina outfit makes the disappointment of dancing for only one song momentarily disappear. My fantasy of donning a Santarina outfit has finally come true. For once, my outfit rocks the socks of everyone. Yes!

On another note, exams are just around the corner and ready to hit me in the face. This exam is going to be way tougher and I cannot, repeat CANNOT literally afford to screw it up. There is no way to go around this. I have to head towards the dreaded grindstone. Oh the pain.

Today, had quite a good time in Mechanics class, though it was too early in the morning to be studying. Mazrah sat with me, and we had a lively chat about presents and Xmas. She was really a big help in suggestions for guy presents. I've have not had this kind of fun but "bad in a way that we are not paying attention to the lesson" talk with someone for a heck of a long time. It was actually quite refreshing. And on another happy note, had a good long overdue talk with Anusha today. Yes it was a good day.


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