A Levels ends on a sweet note
Today I went for the photoshoot in college, which took under an hour. Quite pointless really, I only got to take the group photo and not the individual ones, darn it. But while I was filling up the release form, the cameraman turned towards me and took a picture of me which turned out really well. Hope I can attain it from the college.
Straight after that I rushed over to Coffee Bean. It was my first day working with Francis, our new manager, even though he has been here for a week. It was really nice, only me, Francis, Nick and Damien. Perfecto. It sucked at first, because the moment I got there I had to put in the new stock. Yuck I hate doing that.
Hong Jin came over to pass me the Hotel Costes CD with Valerie. He and the, er... either M15 or the Kohs, were going to Shogun for lunch. After lunch, he brought ALL of them to Coffee Bean,haha. Now I'm just so tired, I hardly ever take breaks during work, so I'm just wiped out now.
Tomorrow going to Puteri Gunung Ledang with Hong Jin, Pui Ee, and Valerie. Hope it'll be good.
yesterday's post:
Today was just excellent. I went for a short so called job interview in the morning before heading over to college with Mummy to collect my final A Levels results. When I got to the main block, the queue was insane. Even so, I wanted to wait for Jia Liang to get there so that we could collect our results together. I had little chats with some people while waiting, till I got hold of him on the phone just to find out he just woke up. So I went ahead and collected it.
I held on to the results for some time without looking at it, as I really wanted to share the unveiling with Jia Liang. After calling him a few more times, he snapped at me on the phone. I was a bit taken aback, I felt a little hurt. But it was just due to him fighting with his mum, as usual.
I couldn't hold it in any longer, Pui Ee and a whole bunch of people were beaming with their 4 A's and the pressure was mounting upon me. Mummy wanted to leave, and on our way out I hurriedly rushed out to the side to look at the transcript. Looking back at me were 4 A's. The feeling of relief, of joy, it was priceless.
Mummy straight away called Papa while I rushed back into the building to tell dear Pui Ee. It was then that it dawned on me that Pui Ee would be leaving the next week for Singapore. At that moment I knew I was going to miss her terribly. My temporary best friend. Although I hope we'll be good friends for a very long time.
Sadly, it was not all good news within the threesome. Hong Jin came shortly after and we found out he only obtained 1 A and the rest are B's . Thankfully he has already gained admission into the uni of his choice and this would not affect him. But it would have been so nice for us to celebrate. Zyang on the other hand, got 3 A's and 1 B. He looked quite happy even though he only needed 2 marks to get straight A's!
The big blow came when Jia Liang finally got there to take his results. Mummy left me there to be with him. He refused to look at his results and would not let me look at them either. On the way to our car I was a bit pissed off, though I can't remember at what. Liang kept asking me what was wrong and I just kept saying it was because I wanted to see his results. While getting into the car, I was so touched when he looked at me and handed over his results over the top of the car. I don't know why, but it was a romantic moment for me. Like he would let me see it even if he didn't want me to.
He warned me not to betray with any signs of emotion on my face as I read the results. Liang was really worried he failed Lit but he thought that he glimpsed a B beside his Law when he received the results. My heart dropped when I looked at the slip. I was overjoyed that he passed Lit with an E but there it was, the cursed U beside his Law. He looked at me, and I told him he passed Lit. He was so happy on the way to TC's apartment but I kept asking him to please look at the results. I repeated my request several times that it dawned on him. As Teng Chang got into the car, Liang looked at me and said, " I failed Law is it ".
Answering his question was so painful. I couldn't cough out the word. Liang took the slip and scanned through it. His brain had those self-protecting mechanism, he couldn't see it. He was like , " I dont see Law anywhere ". TC took over and scanned through his results. My poor boy. How it must have broken his heart. I wish I could do something about it, but I feel completely helpless.
We went to Bangsar Village to Delicious to have lunch as the middle coffee shop was closed. Very expensive but it was good. Asha Gill walked in while we were dining, which excited Liang a bit haha. We then headed to BSC to meet up with Ian Soo, Adrian etc. after dropping of TC. I then followed Mum to 1u, and then homeward bound.
I took a half an hour nap before Hong Jin called me. Pui Ee and he were at Laundry, the Curve and asked me to come. Papa dropped me there where we just had a great time chilling together and laughing. I had a Cosmopolitan, which I hated. We lay on this sofa bed thingy which was really great for the 3 of us. Evan was there later and I spoke to her for awhile.
So that's the whole summary of the day, have to go to sleep now. Photoshoot at 10 am for the high achievers of the A Levels exams or something. Oh well.